Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas blog! Merry Christmas!

Blog for Christmas Week

As I sat in the Christmas Eve worship and looked out at the faces worshiping God with glory, praise and love.  I couldn’t help but see and think of the stories of the year: the people that were lost and no longer celebrating next to their families, the people who were going into 2014 without jobs and in general just the life that came to pass in 2013.  It is a very interesting parallel between the bright and awestruck wonder that our colorful Christmas full of beautiful and richly decorated gifts brings and the dull poor manger that the infant Jesus slept in on his first night of humanity.  You see, most of our life is spent in those dull moments – the mundane of the everyday when we are reminded, especially on the news, of just what kind of society we live in.  We live into the ordinary and in the dull.  And yet on Christmas we are reminded that out of the dull and ordinary God’s only Son was born – that out of the dull and ordinary God’s grace was revealed to the world.  That out of the dull and ordinary EXTRA-ORDINARY things can happen with God.

I know I have used that phrase in service before, but I think it is so important for us to remember.  Jesus our Lord and Savior was born on Christmas Day out of the love that God had for humanity and for offering the amazing gift of grace to ALL (not just a few, but all). 

As we reflect on our past year, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior let us not let the moments that seem dull or perhaps gloomy define us but instead remember the moments in which God’s love was felt, in which God’s grace was known, in which God’s mercy was given and in which God’s forgiveness was allowed.  For these are the moments in which our lives move out of the ordinary and into the realm of God’s Kingdom, the extraordinary. 

On Christmas Day an infant was born into a dull and ordinary life and yet from even the beginning hope was brought into the world.  Today we continue to celebrate all of his glory on Christmas.  When many put aside their doubt to spread love.  Where it is more than OK to be Christians.  Where THOUSADNDS pray at the dinner table this ONE time a year.  Where Jesus’ name is mention and the infant baby is remembered.  These are pretty extraordinary things, miracles perhaps. 

The spirit of Christmas is nothing more than the Holy Spirit working within and through us to spread God’s amazing love and grace to ALL.  The Christmas spirit is nothing more than millions of us being more open to the Spirit that works throughout the year to spread God’s love to all we meet. 

Let us remember this week that the birth of Savior, no matter how dull it may seem, brought with it miracles and love the continue to be spread now and every day! Amen.