Betsy Meade
Brandy Starczewski
Regina Jones
Joe Young
Arthur Chapin |
Ron Eygnor
Anona Fowler
Lois Wafler
Kara Chapin
Pastors: The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Farrell
Ministers: All God's people
Organist: Joanne Williams
contact us at:
What we offer:
* Bible Studies – check webpage for most current
* Weekly email messages – prayer updates,
inspirational thoughts, reminders, ect…
* Creative Worship Services – although some
Sundays remain traditional, we strive to let the Spirit move freely.
* 2013 we were able to celebrate 200 years of
ministry in the community; from our humble beginnings in the old school house
through our rebuilding of our church after a fire to present day we spent time looking back and planning forward.
Missions we support:
Support the Presbyterian Church
(USA) Mission
Support the local Food Pantry
Organizes Strawberry Festival
each year alongside Wolcott Presbyterian
Hosts Golden Oldies Dinner
Widows Support Group
Member of Council of Churches
Sponsors summer Rummage Sale
local Scout Troops
our Youth and children through various programs